Alabama State Court Jury Finds For Defense As Merck Wins Another Vioxx Lawsuit

Dec 17, 2006 | By: Michael J. Hassen

The New York Times reports that Merck’s defense team has won another Vioxx case, this time in Alabama state court. The lawsuit, filed by a 57-yearold man, blamed Vioxx for a mild heart attack the man suffered. The defense argued that plaintiff was a high risk for a heart attack because he suffered from “diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was overweight.” Jurors attributed the defense victory to the fact that the plaintiff “had too many health problems before his heart attack to blame Vioxx.” Merck still faces more than 27,000 individual lawsuits involving Vioxx, and hundreds of putative class action lawsuits.

The article, entitled “Merck Wins Suit In Alabama Over The Painkiller Vioxx,” may be found in Section C. of the December 16, 2006, edition of the New York Times.

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