DuPont Loses Class Action Lawsuit In West Virginia As Jury Awards $250 Million In Nuisance Class Action Case Alleging Deliberate Dumping Of Heavy Metals

Oct 20, 2007 | By: Michael J. Hassen

In a state notoriously difficult for individual and class action defendants alike, the Associated Press reports today that a jury awarded $196.2 million in punitive damages against DuPont in a class action that charged the company with “deliberately dumping dangerous heavy metals on an industrial site” resulting in property damage and health concerns of neighboring properties. This award was on top of the $55.5 million awarded in the class action to “clean up private properties.” DuPont was also ordered to provide medical monitories to people exposed to the chemicals, with that monitoring obligation to last 40 years. DuPont promises to appeal the decision.

The AP article, entitled “DuPont is Ordered to Pay $196.2 Million in Dumping Case,” may be found on The Wall Street Journal Online, posted on October 19, 2007.

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